Side Event PEACH Pattaya 5
November 15, 2022 07:00 - 08:25(Asia/Bangkok)
20221115T0700 20221115T0825 Asia/Bangkok Tracking what counts: trajectories and impacts of donor funding for family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights

Primary & Partner Organizations: Countdown 2030 Europe, DSW, Guttmacher Institute

The side event, jointly organized by Countdown 2030 Europe, DSW, and the Guttmacher Institute, will discuss recent trends in donor funding for family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights (FP/SRHR) and present an innovative new tool that estimates benefits of investing in FP in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Donor funding will continue to play a critical role for access to FP and SRHR for many women and girls in LMICs over the coming decade, including as countries recover from the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has had severe impacts on health outcomes and put a heavy strain on many donor budgets, which makes advocacy for strong and continued support for FP and SRHR even more urgent. Having a clear understanding of donor funding for SRHR across its various elements as well as its impacts at country level is critical for effective advocacy and to drive accountability efforts for maintained and increased FP and SRHR support amidst an ever-changing and challenging global geopolitical and economic context.

Registration: Open Event (no registration required)

PEACH Pattaya 5 International Conference on Family Planning 2022
159 attendees saved this session

Primary & Partner Organizations: Countdown 2030 Europe, DSW, Guttmacher Institute

The side event, jointly organized by Countdown 2030 Europe, DSW, and the Guttmacher Institute, will discuss recent trends in donor funding for family planning and sexual and reproductive health and rights (FP/SRHR) and present an innovative new tool that estimates benefits of investing in FP in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Donor funding will continue to play a critical role for access to FP and SRHR for many women and girls in LMICs over the coming decade, including as countries recover from the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has had severe impacts on health outcomes and put a heavy strain on many donor budgets, which makes advocacy for strong and continued support for FP and SRHR even more urgent. Having a clear understanding of donor funding for SRHR across its various elements as well as its impacts at country level is critical for effective advocacy and to drive accountability efforts for maintained and increased FP and SRHR support amidst an ever-changing and challenging global geopolitical and economic context.

Registration: Open Event (no registration required)

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Ms. Ely McElwee
Senior Behavioral Designer
Dr. Devanshi Somaiya
None (i am an independant researcher)
Ethiopia Country Representative
Mr. Gian Marco Grindatto
Senior Advocacy Officer
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW)
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