Side Event PEACH Pattaya 16
November 16, 2022 19:00 - 21:00(Asia/Bangkok)
20221116T1900 20221116T2100 Asia/Bangkok Leave no one behind: Roadmap to improving equity and access in family planning through a payment-by-results programme

Primary & Partner Organizations: International Planned Parenthood Federation

Women's Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) Programme, funded by FCDO and led by International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Lot 2, has supported integrated sexual and reproductive health and rights services across Africa and Asia offering quality integrated & inclusive FP & SRH services to marginalised & hard-to-reach populations. It includes a PbR mechanism designed to incentivise a greater focus on reaching marginalised groups. This event will highlight the unique activities & impact of the WISH consortium project, reflecting the pros and cons (effects) of a payment-by-results contract on the outputs and impact of a large consortium project bringing together unique partners to deliver innovation and services at scale.The event includes unique aspects of the project's cluster model & how it has scaled up contraceptive access, health systems strengthening, and improved the quality of sexual and reproductive information & services. The approaches for increasing disability inclusiveness in & strategies for reaching people living in poverty, youth, and humanitarian settings. To date, the project had provided more than 25 million CYPs; served over 2,9 m additional users; reached about 16% of youth under 20 years of age and 10% of clients with a disability; averted 12,8 m unintended pregnancies and; 4 million unsafe abortions.

Registration: Closed Event (invite only)

PEACH Pattaya 16 International Conference on Family Planning 2022
44 attendees saved this session

Primary & Partner Organizations: International Planned Parenthood Federation

Women's Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) Programme, funded by FCDO and led by International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Lot 2, has supported integrated sexual and reproductive health and rights services across Africa and Asia offering quality integrated & inclusive FP & SRH services to marginalised & hard-to-reach populations. It includes a PbR mechanism designed to incentivise a greater focus on reaching marginalised groups. This event will highlight the unique activities & impact of the WISH consortium project, reflecting the pros and cons (effects) of a payment-by-results contract on the outputs and impact of a large consortium project bringing together unique partners to deliver innovation and services at scale.

The event includes unique aspects of the project's cluster model & how it has scaled up contraceptive access, health systems strengthening, and improved the quality of sexual and reproductive information & services. The approaches for increasing disability inclusiveness in & strategies for reaching people living in poverty, youth, and humanitarian settings. To date, the project had provided more than 25 million CYPs; served over 2,9 m additional users; reached about 16% of youth under 20 years of age and 10% of clients with a disability; averted 12,8 m unintended pregnancies and; 4 million unsafe abortions.

Registration: Closed Event (invite only)

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Health Adviser
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
Medical Doctor
Mr. Mark  Kaigwa
US Director
Options Consultancy Services
Program Navigator
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