Side Event Beach Hotel Royal Summit Chamber A
November 16, 2022 07:00 - 08:25(Asia/Bangkok)
20221116T0700 20221116T0825 Asia/Bangkok Are you ready for the future of comprehensive sexuality education? | Êtes-vous prê pour l'avenir de l'éducation complète à la sexualité ?

Primary & Partner Organizations: Rutgers with IPPF

Comprehensive sexuality education works. But keeping up with the changing needs of young people, emerging technologies and new medical practices can seem like a mammoth undertaking. Join our session to learn and experience how to make your comprehensive sexuality education future proof. The session will have open, insightful and practical discussions with experts and practitioners that share their latest best practices, new tools and research with you.

Registration: Open Event (no registration required)

Beach Hotel Royal Summit Chamber A International Conference on Family Planning 2022
103 attendees saved this session

Primary & Partner Organizations: Rutgers with IPPF

Comprehensive sexuality education works. But keeping up with the changing needs of young people, emerging technologies and new medical practices can seem like a mammoth undertaking. Join our session to learn and experience how to make your comprehensive sexuality education future proof. The session will have open, insightful and practical discussions with experts and practitioners that share their latest best practices, new tools and research with you.

Registration: Open Event (no registration required)

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Youth Advocacy Manager
Roots of Health
X Ed Malaysia
Ms. Surabhi Srivastava
Digital Sexuality Education Project Manager
RNW Media
Project Officer
Gender Development Association
Program Navigator
1176 visits