20221116T144020221116T1600Asia/BangkokPerspectives on quality of care | Perspectives sur la qualité des soinsBeach Hotel Royal Opal TheaterInternational Conference on Family Planning 2022info@theicfp.org
A systemic and effective approach to quality improvement of FP services in the private sector | Une approche systémique et efficace de l'amélioration de la qualité des services de PF dans le secteur privé Program Implementation/Programme mise en applicationAccepted: Oral Flash PresentationImproving quality of care02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/16 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/16 09:00:00 UTC
How might we meaningfully engage young people in ASRH programming?: The role of Human-centered design (HCD) | Comment impliquer significativement les jeunes dans la programmation de la SSRA? Le rôle du design centré sur l'humain Research/RechercheAccepted: Oral Flash PresentationImproving quality of care02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/16 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/16 09:00:00 UTC
Muthoni Wachira HCDExchange Director, John Snow, Inc. (JSI) Co-authors Anne LaFond Director, Center For Health Information, Monitoring And Evaluation, JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.
Kethi Mullei Research, Evaluation And Learning Consultant, Independent
Measurement of Person-Centered Care in Family Planning and Alignment with Person-Centered Maternal Health Care Measures | Mesure des soins centrés sur la personne dans la planification familiale et alignement aux mesures des soins de santé maternelle centrés sur la personne Research/RechercheAccepted: Oral Flash PresentationImproving quality of care02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/16 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/16 09:00:00 UTC
Soumya Alva Sr. Research Monitoring And Evaluation Advisor, John Snow, Inc. (JSI)
"They just have to stop yelling at people": A qualitative study of women's perceptions of provider behaviors from two sites in Burkina Faso Research/RechercheAccepted: Oral Flash Presentation (previously a pre-formed panel transferred to individual abstract)Improving quality of care02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/16 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/16 09:00:00 UTC
Effect of Cluster-Based Clinical Mentorship and Supportive Supervision in Enhancing Access to Family Planning and Abortion Services in Ethiopia | L'effet du mentorat clinique par groupes et de la supervision accompagnante sur l'amélioration de l'accès aux services de planification familiale et d'avortement en Éthiopie Research/RechercheAccepted: Oral Flash PresentationImproving quality of care02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/16 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/16 09:00:00 UTC
Kate O'Connell Senior Director Of Technical Leadership, EngenderHealth
The association between quality of services and choice of a service delivery point for family planning across urban areas in Kenya, Uganda, and Nigeria | L'association entre la qualité des services et le choix d'un site de prestation de planification familiale dans les zones urbaines du Kenya, de l'Ouganda et du Nigeria Research/RechercheAccepted: Oral Flash PresentationImproving quality of care02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/16 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/16 09:00:00 UTC
Presenters Lisa Calhoun Senior Researcher, Mathematica Co-authors
Jennifer Winston Carolina Population Center, UNC, Carolina Population Center, UNC
A quality assurance audit (QAA) approach for quality improvement of Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) services in Uganda | Une approche d'audit de l'assurance qualité pour l'améliorer la qualité des services de santé sexuelle et reproductive (SSR) en Ouganda Program Implementation/Programme mise en applicationAccepted: Oral Flash PresentationImproving quality of care02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/16 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/16 09:00:00 UTC
Patterns and correlates of contraceptive side effects among Kenyan women: A prospective cohort analysis with intensive real-time sampling | Schémas et corrélats des effets secondaires de la contraception chez les femmes kenyanes : Analyse prospective d'une cohorte avec un échantillon intensif en temps réel Research/RechercheAccepted: Oral Flash PresentationImproving quality of care02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/16 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/16 09:00:00 UTC