Advances in monitoring and evaluation methods Royal Cliff Grand Hotel Jomtien 1 Oral | EN
November 15, 2022 14:40 - 16:00(Asia/Bangkok)
20221115T1440 20221115T1600 Asia/Bangkok Elevating Stakeholder Voices to Shape Family Planning Programming with the Most Significant Change Technique | Élever les voix des parties prenantes pour façonner les programmes de planification familiale grâce à la technique du Changement le Plus Significatif

Royal Cliff Grand Hotel Jomtien 1 International Conference on Family Planning 2022
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Elevating Stakeholder Voices to Shape Family Planning Programming with the Most Significant Change Technique | Élever les voix des parties prenantes pour façonner les programmes de planification familiale avec la technique du Changement le Plus Significatif Program Implementation/Programme mise en application
Accepted: Oral Presentation (Pre-formed panel)Advances in monitoring and evaluation methods 02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 09:00:00 UTC
Deputy Director, Technical Operations, Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (JHCCP)
Lisa Mwaikambo
Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Programs
Saori Ohkubo
Senior Program Officer, Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Program (JHCCP)
Denis Joel Sama
Learning Advisor, Jhpiego
Hitesh Sahni
Program Lead, Population Services International India
Measuring and Monitoring System: Level Changes Needed for Scaling Family Planning Interventions | Système de mesure et suivi : Changements nécessaires pour le passage à échelle des interventions de planification familiale Program Implementation/Programme mise en application
Accepted: Oral Presentation (Pre-formed panel)Advances in monitoring and evaluation methods 02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 09:00:00 UTC
Presenters Saori Ohkubo
Senior Program Officer, Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Program (JHCCP)
Determining the Impact of a Government-Led Family Planning Initiative Through The Lens and Voice of Stakeholders | Déterminer l'impact d'une initiative de planification familiale dirigée par le gouvernement depuis le point de vue et à travers la voix des parties prenantes Program Implementation/Programme mise en application
Accepted: Oral Presentation (Pre-formed panel)Advances in monitoring and evaluation methods 02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 09:00:00 UTC
Deepti Mathur
Technical Lead - Program Learning & Training, Population Services International India
Hitesh Sahni
Program Lead, Population Services International India
Scaling up Monitoring of System: Level Changes in Family Planning Using Local MSC Champions in East Africa | Mise à échelle des systèmes de suivi : Changements de niveau dans la planification familiale en utilisant les champions locaux de la méthode du Changement le Plus Significatif en Afrique de l'Est Program Implementation/Programme mise en application
Accepted: Oral Presentation (Pre-formed panel)Advances in monitoring and evaluation methods 02:40 PM - 04:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 07:40:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 09:00:00 UTC
Denis Joel Sama
Learning Advisor, Jhpiego
Co-authors Paul Nyachae
Deputy Director, Technical Operations
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (JHCCP)
Senior Program Officer
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Program (JHCCP)
Technical Lead - Program Learning & Training
Population services international India
Learning Advisor
Deputy Director, Technical Operations
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (JHCCP)
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