Gender equality, empowerment and reproductive rights Beach Hotel Royal Summit Chamber A Flash | EN
November 15, 2022 10:15 - 11:35(Asia/Bangkok)
20221115T1015 20221115T1135 Asia/Bangkok Gender-based violence and family planning | Violence basée sur le genre et planification familiale

Beach Hotel Royal Summit Chamber A International Conference on Family Planning 2022
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Prevalence of obstetric violence among ever-married women in Egypt: Online survey among Love Matters Arabic's users | La prévalence des violences obstétriques chez les femmes jamais mariées en Égypte : Enquête en ligne des utilisatrices arabes de Love Matters Research/Recherche
Accepted: Oral Flash PresentationGender equality, empowerment and reproductive rights 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Dina Hamouda
Communication & Partnerships Officer At Love Matters Arabic, Center For Development Services - MENA
Co-authors Norhan Bader
Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, And Learning (PMEL) Specialist At Love Matters Arabic, Center For Development Services - MENA
Sandy Abdelmessih
Seeking Breakthroughs in Social and Behavior Change at the Intersection of Family Planning and Intimate Partner Violence | À la recherche de percées en termes de changements sociaux et comportementaux au croisement de la planification familiale et des violences entre partenaires intimes Program Implementation/Programme mise en application
Accepted: Oral Flash PresentationGender equality, empowerment and reproductive rights 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Sakina Zaidi
Director, Camber Collective
Co-authors Danette Wilkins
Family Planning Program Officer, Johns Hopkins Center For Communication Program (JHCCP)
Intimate partners violence and consistent condom use among Indian women | Les violences entre partenaires intimes et l'utilisation systématique du préservatif chez les femmes indiennes Research/Recherche
Accepted: Oral Flash PresentationGender equality, empowerment and reproductive rights 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Anjali Sharma
Ph.D. Scholar, Institute For Social And Economic Change
Co-authors Abhishek Kumar
Senior Program Officer, Population Council
Student-led Campus Campaign against Gender Based Violence and for promotion of Sexual Reproductive Health of students in Tertiary Institutions in Lagos State, Nigeria | Une campagne dirigée par les jeunes et menée sur les campus contre les violences basées sur le genre et pour la promotion de la santé sexuelle et reproductive des dans les institutions de niveau tertiaire dans l'état de Lagos, au Nigeria Program Implementation/Programme mise en application
Accepted: Oral Flash PresentationGender equality, empowerment and reproductive rights 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Ulla Mueller
Co-authors Ibrahim Oladimeji
Project Support Officer, UNFPA Nigeria
Zubaida Abubakar
Gender Specialist, UNFPA NIGERIA
Elizabeth Williams
Development Practitioner, African Youth And Adolescent Network On Population And Development
Omolaso Omosehin
Program Specialist, UNFPA
Jaiyeola Ayanbadejo
Monitoring And Evaluation Analyst, UNFPA
Safe Families Against GBV: Implementing the FamiLigtas Online Campaign and Providing Survivor-centered Helpline Services for GBV At-risk Groups | Familles en sécurité contre les VBG : Mise en oeuvre de la campagne en ligne FamiLigtas et d'une ligne d'assistance téléphonique centrée sur les survivantes pour les groupes à risque de VBG Advocacy/Plaidoyer
Accepted: Oral Flash PresentationGender equality, empowerment and reproductive rights 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Juan Jose Dela Rosa
Innovations Platform Senior Advisor, USAID's ReachHealth Project
Samantha Julia Eala
National Partnerships Coordinator, USAID's ReachHealth Project
Emergency contraception in post-rape care: The status of health and multisectoral VAW policy globally | La contraception d'urgence dans les soins après un viol : Le statut de la politique multi-sectorielle de santé et en matière de violences à l'encontre des femmes dans le monde Research/Recherche
Accepted: Oral Flash PresentationGender equality, empowerment and reproductive rights 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Katherine Watson
Human Rights Consultant, The Torchlight Collective
Eva Burke
Consultant - Primary Technical Support EA QI, Options Consultancy Services London
Avni Amin
Technical Officer, VAW, World Health Organization
Implementation of the Socioecological Model: A Flexible Response to Prevent and Address the Needs of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Survivors during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Mise en oeuvre du modèle socioécologique : Une réponse fléxible pour prévenir et répondre aux besoins des survivantes de violences sexuelles et basées sur le genre pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 Program Implementation/Programme mise en application
Accepted: Oral Flash PresentationGender equality, empowerment and reproductive rights 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Presenters Meskerem Setegne
Associate Project Director, EngenderHealth
Renu Golwalkar
Director Of GYSI, EngenderHealth
Ana Aguilera
Director Of AYSRH, EngenderHealth
Jemal Kassaw
Ethiopia Country Representative, EngenderHealth
Zero Violence: Harnessing Art to Break the Silence on Gender Based Violence among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Nigeria | Zéro violence : Puiser dans le pouvoir de l'art pour rompre le silence sur les violences basées sur le genre chez les adolescentes et les jeunes femmes au Nigeria Program Implementation/Programme mise en application
Accepted: Oral Flash PresentationGender equality, empowerment and reproductive rights 10:15 AM - 11:35 AM (Asia/Bangkok) 2022/11/15 03:15:00 UTC - 2022/11/15 04:35:00 UTC
Grace Gara
Program Manager; Advocacy/Policy Influencing, Education As A Vaccine
Communication & Partnerships Officer at Love Matters Arabic
Center for Development Services - MENA
Camber Collective
Ph.D. Scholar
Institute for Social and Economic Change
UNFPA Nigeria
Innovations Platform Senior Advisor
USAID's ReachHealth Project
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UCSD Center on Gender Equity and Health
Ms. Maurice Angeli Solemne
Young Advocates for SRHR (YAS)
Senior Advisor Access, Policy and Advocacy
Ipas Nigeria
Responsable de Suivi - Evaluation du Service Maternité Sans Risque
Ministère de la Santé Publique
Associate Lead and State Head
Population Foundation of India
Alstonia Impact/Outsight 4 Development
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