Highlighted Session PEACH Pattaya 6 Oral | Hybrid(e) | Interpretation
November 15, 2022 10:15 - 11:35(Asia/Bangkok)
20221115T1015 20221115T1135 Asia/Bangkok Delivering Life-Saving SRH Care in Humanitarian Settings: stories from the frontlines of the Ukraine crisis | Fournir des soins de SSR permettant de sauver des vies en situation de crise humanitaire: Histoires des premières lignes de la crise en Ukraine

The escalating conflict in Ukraine since February 2022 has resulted in over 17 million affected inside Ukraine and over 7.6 million refugees in Europe. Civil society within Ukraine and in neighboring countries, including women's organizations, as well as UN and INGO actors took up frontline roles to support the critical sexual and reproductive health needs of women and girls. Reflections on the delivery of sexual and reproductive health care as a core and life-saving component in the Ukraine Crisis response will help inform delivery of these critical services in humanitarian settings around the world.

PEACH Pattaya 6 International Conference on Family Planning 2022 info@theicfp.org
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The escalating conflict in Ukraine since February 2022 has resulted in over 17 million affected inside Ukraine and over 7.6 million refugees in Europe. Civil society within Ukraine and in neighboring countries, including women's organizations, as well as UN and INGO actors took up frontline roles to support the critical sexual and reproductive health needs of women and girls. Reflections on the delivery of sexual and reproductive health care as a core and life-saving component in the Ukraine Crisis response will help inform delivery of these critical services in humanitarian settings around the world.

Legal Advisor
Center for Reproductive Rights
Emergency Coordinator
Regional Health Advisor
Save the Children
Executive Director
Federation for Women and Family Planning
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
Head of Office
German Red Cross
Mr. Yuga Jimmy Daniel
Dr. Stefanie Fabian
Consultant SRH
German Red Cross
Ms. Sarah Thomsen
Lead Policy Specialist, Health and SRHR
Senior Health Advisor
New Zealand MFAT
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